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Indice  ~  Collezionismo  ~  Rolling Stones "Aux Abattoirs" Live In Paris,France 4-7 June

MessaggioInviato: 19 aprile 2011, 16:26
Avatar utenteMessaggi: 3987Località: MilanoIscritto il: 23 marzo 2008, 12:49
The Rolling Stones live in Paris
Les Rolling Stones Aux Abattoirs
Pavillon de Paris, France
4-7 June 1976


DVD 1 :

"Aux Abattoirs" - French TV broadcast.

01. Introduction french TV
02. Interview Mick, Keith, Ronnie
03. Honky Tonk Women
04. Hand of Fate
05. Fool to Cry
06. Hot Stuff
07. Star Star
08. You Gotta Move
09. You Can't Always Get What You Want
10. Band Introductions
11. Happy
12. Out of Space
13. Jumping Jack Flash
14. Street Fighting Man
15. Intro
16. Tumbling Dice
17. Midnight Rambler
18. Angie
19. It's Only Rock'n'Roll
20. Brown Sugar

Download (WinRar Archive files, 4,45 GB ): []

DVD 2 :

Paris - Aux Abattoirs 1976-06-06 Complete concert
French TV recordings - Unedited - Not broadcasted.

01. Intro
02. Honky Tonk Woman
03. If You Can't Rock Me / Get Off of My Cloud
04. Hand of Fate
05. Hey Negrita
06. Ain't Too Proud to Beg
07. Fool to Cry
08. Hot Stuff
09. Star Star
10. Angie
11. You Gotta Move
12. You Can't Always Get What You Want
13. Band Introductions
14. Happy
15. Tumbling Dice
16. Nothing From Nothing
17. Out of Space
18. Midnight Rambler
19. It's Only Rock'n'Roll
20. Brown Sugar
21. Jumping Jack Flash
22. Street Fighting Man

Download (WinRar Archive files, 4,36 GB ): []

MessaggioInviato: 6 settembre 2014, 23:25
Avatar utenteMessaggi: 111Iscritto il: 15 luglio 2013, 0:16
Hello. Vi posto le recensioni di Love You Live del nostro guitar player: la prima su Amazon USA (2005) e la seconda su Amazon Italia (2013).

34 of 37 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars love them live, October 19, 2005
By Riccardo Frau "Riccardo Frau" (sassari) - See all my reviews
(REAL NAME) It is common opinion (and, by the way, I agree with it) that "Love you live" and "Get yer ya ya's out" are probably Stones' best live albums. Nevertheless, as for the "inspiration" and the characters of these works, there are some important differences: if, on the one hand, "Get yer ya ya's out" is a solid, compact and upright rock and roll record, on the other hand "Love you live" seems to be more nervous and powerful, maybe because of the age of the recording (1977: echoes from the punk movement?), sketching a various and full-of-energy profile of the Band through a double set record. Talking about some tracks in detail, the CD, after the ouverture "Fanfare for the common man", starts with "Honky tonk women" (one of its best-known versions), followed by "If you can't rock me"/"Get off of my cloud" (mixed together) and "Happy", that let the listener almost breathless. After such highlights as "You can't always get what you want" (after Ron Wood's solo, the crowd in Paris and Mick Jagger singing together the chorus: thrills...) and the side recorded at "El Mocambo", the final rush with "It's only R'N'R'", "Jumping Jack Flash" and "Brown sugar" (and others, of course) is the knock-out punch. Add some classics ("Tumbling dice", etc.) and the result is a milestone in the rock and roll landscape.

Un "live" memorabile, 1 gennaio 2013
Di Riccardo Frau "Questa recensione è su: Love You Live (Audio CD)
E' opinione comune che, assieme a Get Yer Ya Ya's Out, Love You Live sia probabilmente il più riuscito disco dal vivo degli Stones (ma si potrebbe aggiungere forse Shine a Light, in anni più recenti). Nato come album doppio, frutto delle date francesi del tour e di un lato registrato al club El Mocambo, questo lavoro offre un vivido ritratto della band verso la fine degli anni '70. Ci sono però delle differenze fra i due "live": mentre Get Yer propone una tracklist tematica compatta (tutta blues e R&R), Love You Live amplia la gamma del profilo musicale del gruppo, inserendo anche la dance (Fingerprint File), il reggae (Crackin' Up) e altro ancora. Le esecuzioni sono caratterizzate da grande energia, probabilmente in risposta alle "provocazioni" del movimento punk del 1977 (se ne trova traccia nelle autobiografie di Keith Richards e di Ron Wood). L'album ospita alcune versioni dal vivo più riuscite di sempre dei cavalli di battaglia della band: Honky Tonk Woman, If You Can't Rock Me, Jumping Jack Flash, Brown Sugar e molte altre. Ineguagliata la versione di You Can't Always Get What You Want, ballata blues da incorniciare, con il magistrale assolo di chitarra di Ron Wood e il coro del pubblico parigino che risponde a Mick Jagger sull'inciso. <tele <tele <)

MessaggioInviato: 7 settembre 2014, 1:50
Avatar utenteMessaggi: 4304Località: leccoIscritto il: 18 luglio 2009, 23:29
Olia ha scritto:
The Rolling Stones live in Paris
Les Rolling Stones Aux Abattoirs
Pavillon de Paris, France
4-7 June 1976


DVD 1 :

"Aux Abattoirs" - French TV broadcast.

01. Introduction french TV
02. Interview Mick, Keith, Ronnie
03. Honky Tonk Women
04. Hand of Fate
05. Fool to Cry
06. Hot Stuff
07. Star Star
08. You Gotta Move
09. You Can't Always Get What You Want
10. Band Introductions
11. Happy
12. Out of Space
13. Jumping Jack Flash
14. Street Fighting Man
15. Intro
16. Tumbling Dice
17. Midnight Rambler
18. Angie
19. It's Only Rock'n'Roll
20. Brown Sugar

Download (WinRar Archive files, 4,45 GB ): []

DVD 2 :

Paris - Aux Abattoirs 1976-06-06 Complete concert
French TV recordings - Unedited - Not broadcasted.

01. Intro
02. Honky Tonk Woman
03. If You Can't Rock Me / Get Off of My Cloud
04. Hand of Fate
05. Hey Negrita
06. Ain't Too Proud to Beg
07. Fool to Cry
08. Hot Stuff
09. Star Star
10. Angie
11. You Gotta Move
12. You Can't Always Get What You Want
13. Band Introductions
14. Happy
15. Tumbling Dice
16. Nothing From Nothing
17. Out of Space
18. Midnight Rambler
19. It's Only Rock'n'Roll
20. Brown Sugar
21. Jumping Jack Flash
22. Street Fighting Man

Download (WinRar Archive files, 4,36 GB ): []

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